Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Our Service

1) Drop-off and collection
If it is a full day care arrangement, drop-off can be agreed between 6:30am and 9:30am,collection between 15:30 and 20:00. Half day arrangement, drop-offs can also be agreed between 6:30am and 9:30am, collections can be arranged from 12:30pm to 13:30pm
2) Out of hours collection
The day services for our setting closes at 20:00pm. Children leaving at the end of a day should be collected promptly. Any parent who is unable to collect at the correct time needs to inform the setting  immediately to allow us to make proper arrangements to accommodate the time. Accordingly, If you collect your child more than 5 minutes late there will be an additional charge of £5 per 30 minutes of late collection.
3) Collection security
For security reasons, your child may only be collected by those individuals over 18 years of age you have listed on your child collection authorisation form that is filled out during at our initial discussions. Any changes to these named contacts can only be accepted in writing, in advance. This setting also operates a pass code method where by a person introduced to us to pick up a child and in addition to collecting the person's name and details must mention the passcode first before the child is released to him or her.We will never permit a child to leave the premises unaccompanied or with an unauthorised person.
In the event of an emergency or should you be unable to collect your child for any reason, one of the child’s parents must call the setting and also email the setting at the latest on the day of collection including in the email  the name of the alternate person, a photograph of the person and a temporary one time password to be used by the person collecting the child. The emergency contact must bring a valid passport or photo ID for identification. Finally, we will not permit a child to be collected by anyone if the individual appears in our judgement to be unfit to provide for the child’s safety, or appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
4) Dress
Parents should see that their children arrive in normal day clothes and bring a full change of clothes or some spare clothes. Before the Covid 19, the setting provide spare clothes for emergency needs of children but for health and safety, it is now more hygienic for parents to provide spare clothings for their child/children. You need to name/label your child’s clothing, especially outdoor clothes and smocks, to avoid confusion with garments that look similar. This setting cannot accept responsibility for any lost or damaged property.
 5) Excursions
From time to time we will arrange educational visits to museums, galleries, performances and places of interest. There will be a modest additional charge to cover entrance and transportation, and parents have the choice of whether they wish their children to participate or not. Parent helpers on outings are always welcome and requested. You will need to provide written consent in advance of each excursion. Additionally you will need to consent to our outing request , whereby we will regularly take your child to local parks or shops.
6) Illness and health and safety
Children may not attend our setting for 48 hours after the last occurrence if they have nausea or diarrhoea from any cause. If your child is unwell with any infectious illness, any unknown rashes; if they are unwell, e.g. not able to join in activities or require 1:1 care, if they are dependent on liquid paracetamol or within 24 hours of the first dose of any medication not taken before (e.g. the first time they have antibiotics, not each time they are prescribed) and may not return until the condition is diagnosed by a physician who certifies they are able to attend.
Children who become ill while in our care will be looked after until parents who we will contact immediately  to collect them and take them home. Parents will be notified immediately at the first signs of any illness. If a parent cannot be contacted we will contact your named GP. In the event of an emergency the child will be taken to the nearest hospital, accompanied by the childminder. The setting will act in loco parentis until the parents are able to arrive.
We will not administer medication without permission. We will contact you for approval to give your child liquid paracetamol (one of two medications, including piriton, kept on site aside from first aid items), and cannot give this to your child until you have provided authorisation, and are on your way to collect your child. All other methods to reduce temperature will be attempted first. If your child’s temperature is dangerously high we would contact an ambulance. In the event of an allergic reaction we would call an ambulance. Parents have the responsibility to keep us continually informed of changes in any contact numbers and addresses, or any changes in your child’s medical condition or GP.
Should your child require regular medication to be administered during the hours he/she is in our care , you will need to complete all necessary paperwork in line with our policies. The medication must be prescribed by a doctor and be clearly labelled to include your child’s name and the required dosage. You must take the medication home at the end of each day, as we cannot keep any medications on site with the exception of liquid paracetamol, piriton and first aid items. It is also your responsibility to notify the setting of any change to this information on an on-going basis.
We always ask parents to provide sunscreen  outings and for outdoor play. Should you wish your child not to receive sunscreen you must request this in writing, however we will be unable to take your child outside in sunny weather.
This setting follows a strict indoor no-shoe policy . Family pets, including dogs and cats, are not allowed on or in front of the premises to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our children, parents and staff. The only exception to this policy is for guide dogs. As many of our floors are not carpeted it is dangerous for children to wear slippers, so it is the responsibility of parents to provide clean indoor shoes.
7) Safeguarding and Child Protection
This setting is fully registered with OFSTED and follows strictly all legal requirements concerning safeguarding, risk assessment and child and adult protection. We follow all Early years Foundation Stage requirements and guidelines.
8 Fees
Overall fees for attendance at this setting is calculated with our standard charges which the setting will include as a note during our initial discussions. Any other additional needs of your child or individual circumstances that meant extra expenses, these will be an extra charges on top of the standard charge.
This setting collects upfront childcare fees of 4 weeks before commencing care. The fees can be paid to us in cash or through bank transfer. If by cheque, the money must clear first before we can commence our services.
This setting do not collect deposit payments
 Fees are reviewed annually. If any changes are deemed necessary, parents are informed no later than the second week in January.
Registration fees
This setting does charge registration fees.
9.) Securing a place for your child
Once we have confirmed we have availability for your child and before your child starts, you will be invited into the setting to discuss further arrangements, fees and other relevant information. If both parties are happy with the outcome, a date convenient for you the parent will be fixed for setting period to commence.
The settling in period lasts for two weeks and is calculated as £5 per hour used. At the end of the settling in, you will be required to pay a 4 weeks upfront payment on the last day of the settling in period and there after, on the 1st of every month. It is also possible to accept your upfront payments on any day of the month convenient for you provided you adhere to our pay before service policy.
If your child does not attend the setting for any reason once the place has been accepted, no money paid for that day, days, week of month will not be refunded
 Basis of fee calculation
Fees are calculated on an annual basis and then divided by 12 before including any extra charges  This allows for a consistent amount payable per month regardless of holidays or variations in the number of days in each month. Refunds or deductions cannot be made if your child is ill, on holiday or for any other reason does not attend this setting. Days that are reserved and not used cannot be re-allocated.
10) Refunds
We will not refund any fees if your child is absent due to illness, holiday or as required under the nursery’s policies and procedures. This setting will not refund fees or be in breach of this agreement by reason of any delay in performance or non-performance of its obligations to you due to any event outside its reasonable control. These include, without limitation, any act deemed to be force majeure, fire, war, acts of terrorism, strikes or other industrial action, infectious diseases, epidemics, inclement weather (e.g. snow, flooding, storms), unforeseeable repairs or any failure of public or utility services (such as highway and public transport delays or failures). If this is an area of concern for you, you may wish to look into an insurance policy to cover such a possibility.
Tax free childcare payment/Childcare vouchers
This setting accepts all forms of childcare payments so to provide parents with flexible payment options. However we treat vouchers on a cash basis, and they are only credited to your account once we have received the payment from the voucher company.
For your child’s first month/months you
You will be required to pay 100% of fees in advance. Any childcare vouchers received during that calendar month will be credited to your account, and deducted from the second month’s invoice (provided they are received before the 30th of the month, our invoice date). Thereafter all voucher amounts will be credited to the subsequent month’s invoice for the period your child is with Dominion Childcare Limited.
11) Late payment and cancelled cheque charges
Because of the administrative burden these represent we have found it necessary to levy charges for any late payments (after the 1st of the month, or the first banking day thereafter) of £30.00 per calendar month and £30.00 for any cancelled or bounced cheque.  These fees will be added to your account as additional charges.
12) Additional charges
Any additional charges – e.g. extra sessions, late collection, out of hours collection, late payment fees, excursion charges – will be added to your subsequent month’s invoice automatically and collected by cash  on the first of the following month, or the first banking day thereafter.
13) Sibling discounts
We offer a 15% discount off the fees of the older child. For families with three children we would offer 15% discounts on the fees of the two eldest children.
14)  Termination or loss of place
Dominion Childcare Limited reserves the right to terminate your child’s place immediately at the setting in the event that any fees remain unpaid, where any of the terms and conditions are breached, or if termination of a place is considered to be in the best interests of the setting or the welfare of your child.
15)  Bank Holidays and Summer Holidays
This setting opens for all public and bank holidays, as well as the week between Christmas and New Years. We are closed on Christmas day only.
16) Babysitting
This setting does not sanction any private arrangements made between you and a member of staff. If you make any such arrangement during the hours of operation of this setting, you are asking the staff member to violate their terms of employment with Dominion Childcare Limited. Outside the hours in which the staff is supported to be working at Dominion Childcare Limited, any arrangements between you and the member of staff are at your own risk. You agree to hold this setting harmless for any liability, loss or damages you might incur as a result of any such arrangements.
17)  Employment of our staff by parents
We have chosen our staff carefully, based on their training, skills, experience, enthusiasm and abilities. We expect that you will be impressed by their capabilities. Parents may not employ our staff for any purpose on a part- or full-time basis during the all hours of their work in this setting.
18)  Notice of changes in your child’s attendance
Notice that your child is stopping attendance  or decreasing days of attendance  must be given in writing via email 4 weeks before the intended date of stopping / reduction. The setting will acknowledge letters of notice in writing or the email to confirm they have been received.
19)  Privacy Notice
This setting processes personal data including, but not limited to, the following sensitive data: address, telephone contacts, date of birth, email addresses, employment information, gender, physical conditions, disabilities or allergies, dietary requirements, child photographs and care, learning and development records.
We process this information to ensure a safe, secure and healthy environment for your child, to administer first aid/medical care if necessary, to comply with all relevant government regulations and nursery policies and procedures, to help us understand your child’s needs, talents abilities and interests, our own market research.
We may only share this information under the following circumstances: if you receive government funding with the funding provider, if you receive funding as an employee or a student benefit with your employer/education provider, with any other nursery setting your child may attend, third party processers that are subject to confidential non-disclosure agreements, as required by any court order, law or regulation and if this  setting suspects any child abuse or neglect it will report these concerns to the relevant authorities in accordance with its policies and procedures and regulatory requirements.
20) Review of terms and conditions and general points
Our terms and conditions will be amended accordingly as legislation changes or further updates necessary to continue providing high level of care to children as well as excellent services to you as parents and carers.